

WP1: Attosecond physics meets quantum information science (research)

(Coordinators M. Lewenstein ICFO (theory) // A. L’Huillier LUND (exp.)  // M. Natile AMPL (private sector))



Strong field quantum optics


Entanglement and decoherence in attosecond photoionization

WP1 is divided in two sub-WPs. The first one will focus on the demonstration of high-photon-number quantum states of light using strong-field processes (such as high-order harmonic generation) and conditioning approaches.

The goal of the second one is the application of quantum protocol and strategies for the investigation and characterization of the entanglement and decoherence in quantum systems of increasing complexity upon ionization using attosecond pulses.

WP-1 Attosecond physics meets quantum science
Researcher  DC FORTH Project Title: Nonlinear optics using optical Schrödinger cats  
Supervisor(s): 1st P. Tzallas (FORTH); 2rd M. Ivanov (FVB-MBI)
Duration: 36 Months
PhD awarding entity: University of Crete (UC)
Researcher DC SPH Project Title: Optimization of few-cycle mid-IR pulses for HHG in solids using the d-scan method
Supervisor(s): 1st R. Romero (SPH) 2nd I. Sola (USAL)
Duration: 36 Months
PhD awarding entity: University of Salamanca (USAL)
Researcher DC ICFO Project Title: Attosecond and strong-field quantum optics  
Supervisor(s): 1st M. Lewenstein (ICFO); 2nd P. Tzallas (FORTH)
Duration: 36 Months
PhD awarding entity: University Politecnica Barcellona (UPC)
Researcher  DC FVB-MBI-1 Project Title: Exploring light-matter entanglement in high-order harmonic generation in dense media  
Supervisor(s): 1st M. Ivanov (FVB-MBI); 2nd J. Biegert (ICFO)
Duration: 36 Months
PhD awarding entity: Alexander von Humboldt University Berlin (UBER)
Researcher  DC LUND-1 Project Title: Tomographic reconstruction of entangled quantum states in photoionization  
Supervisor(s): 1st A. L’Huillier (LUND), 2nd M. Natile (AMPL)
Duration: 36 Months
PhD awarding entity: University Lund (LUND)
Researcher DC AMPL Project Title: Temporal compression and extended tunability of intense, ultrashort laser sources  
Supervisor(s): 1st M. Natile (AMPL); 2rd A. L. Viotti (LUND)
Duration: 36 Months
PhD awarding entity: University Paris-Saclay (UPSaclay)
Researcher DC CEA Project Title: Measuring electronic decoherence and entanglement in attosecond photoionization of small quantum systems  
Supervisor(s): 1st P.Salieres (CEA); 2nd A. L’Huillier (LUND) D. Busto (LUND)
Duration: 36 Months
PhD awarding entity: University Paris-Saclay (UPSaclay)
Researcher DC FVB-MBI-2 Project Title: Entanglement and decoherence in small molecules upon photoionization using isolated attosecond pulses  
Supervisor(s): 1st M. Vrakking (FVB-MBI); 2nd F. Martin (UAM)
Duration: 36 Months
PhD awarding entity: Free University Berlin (FUB)
Researcher DC UAM-1 Project Title: Identifying new strategies for controlling entanglement and decoherence in photoionization  
Supervisor(s): 1st F. Martin (UAM); 2nd T. Witting (FVB-MBI)
Duration: 36 Months
PhD awarding entity: Autonomous University Madrid (UAM)

WP-2 Attosecond pulse shaping and coherent control of electronic dynamics (Start Month 12- End Month 48)

(Coordinators A. Palacios UAM (theory)  //C. Callegari FERMI (exp.) // H. Crespo SPH (private sector))



Attosecond pulse shaping and novel attosecond metrology approaches    


Nonlinear coherent control of electronic dynamics 

WP-2 Attosecond pulse shaping and coherent control
Researcher  DC FERMI-1 Project Title: Attosecond pulse shaping using echo-enabled seeding mechanism  
Supervisor(s): 1st L. Giannessi (FERMI); 2nd M. Gühr (FLASH)
Duration: 36 Months
PhD awarding entity: University of Trieste (UNITS)
Researcher  DC ALU-FR-1 Project Title: Novel attosecond metrology approaches for free electron lasers
Supervisor(s): 1st G. Sansone (ALU-FR) 2nd R. Romero (SPH)
Duration: 36 Months
PhD awarding entity: University of Freiburg (ALU-FR)
Researcher DC LUND-2 Project Title: Direct sub-cycle probing of the phase shift induced by two-photon Rabi cycling in helium  
Supervisor(s): 1st J. Mauritsson (LUND) 2nd O. Plekan (FERMI)
Duration: 36 Months
PhD awarding entity: University Lund (LUND)
Researcher  DC FERMI-2 Project Title: Nonlinear attosecond coherent control of correlated electronic wave packets in helium  
Supervisor(s): 1st C. Callegari (FERMI); 2nd A. Palacios (UAM)
Duration: 36 Months
PhD awarding entity: University of Trieste (UNITS)
Researcher  DC ALU-FR-2 Project Title: Attosecond coherent control  of molecular dissociation  
Supervisor(s): 1st G. Sansone (ALU-FR); 2nd K. Varju (ELI-ALPS)
PhD awarding entity: University of Freiburg (ALU-FR)
Researcher  DC UAM-2 Project Title: Electronic correlation investigated by sculpted attosecond waveforms
Supervisor(s): 1st A. Palacios (UAM); 2nd J. Mauritsson (LUND)
Duration: 36 Months
PhD awarding entity: Autonomous University Madrid (UAM)

WP-3 Training (Start Month 1- End Month 48)

(Coordinators J. Mauritsson LUND // A. Golinelli AMPL)



Network wide Training         


Individual Training   


Quality of the training           


Quality of the supervision

All beneficiaries and associated partners will participate in the training activities of the DCs, through the delivery of webinars, the preparation of the videotutorial and the offer of scientific courses and transferable skills modules.