The Quantum information science and Ultrafast nonlinear coherent control at the ATTOsecond timescale (QU-ATTO) is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Training Network that runs from the 1st September 2024 to the 31st August 2028 funded under the Horizon Europe Programme. The main objective of the QU-ATTO Network proposal is to provide the Doctoral Candidates with a multifaceted scientific training that enhances their practical and theoretical understanding of the research field at the border between quantum information and attosecond science. The Doctoral Candidates will receive an inter-disciplinary and inter-sectoral comprehensive research training that will be contributed by leading universities and research centers, and by key-player companies. The training provided within the QU-ATTO network will empower the doctoral candidates to become versatile professionals capable of bridging the gap between scientific research and its practical applications.
Through their research activities, Doctoral Candidates will contribute to the advancement and cross-fertilisation of various scientific fields, including attosecond science, free-electron laser science and quantum information.
QU-ATTO features fourteen academic institutions, three large-scale facilities, four industrial companies, and two outreach partners, from ten European countries.